This document gives local usage and local decisions for cataloging items for the Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota. For field definitions, appropriate tags, national standards, etc., consult MARC21, RDA and CONSER documentation. While catalogers should review and understand these information sources, the standards for cataloging remote access computer files are not definitive. They will continue to change. See Cataloging Web Sites for local CFL field-specific instructions.
Pre-cataloging Procedures
- Search the ODIN Catalog and OCLC.
- Evaluate the Web site and indicate:
- type of access (full, abstract only, etc.)
- special software (sound card, panorama viewer, video, etc.)
- free or licensed and what the restrictions are
- direct or through aggregator
- special notes needed for users
- main home page or individual sections/titles need to be cataloged
- title changes
- See General Considerations under Cataloging for more details about determining whether or not to add an electronic copy statement to a print version record or to create a separate record
Cataloging - General considerations
- To determine how to catalog an item, consult RDA and Library of Congress Metadata Guidance (MGD) for mode of issuance and extension plan
- See definitions: Serial-Monograph-Integrating? Single-Separate?
- To determine how to handle serial title changes and when to create a new bibliographic record, see: Major/minor title changes (document below) or Differences Between, Changes Within at: [login required]
- Single versus separate records. The preferred method is to create separate records per format, i.e. 1 record for print and 1 record for oline, or microform, etc. An exception was made for state documents published in 2018 or older to use the print record and add the 856 41, holding for both print and online, item for print and portfolio for online. Make sure to add reciprocal 776 08 $i Print version or Online version on each record.
Monographs - General Considerations
- Follow the guidelines in Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines
- Follow first content, then format specific guidelines (e.g. cartographic)
- Consider GPO guidelines for federal documents
Serials - General considerations
- Follow CONSER rules and practices as a minimum Local materials should be cataloged with fullest information as possible.
- CONSER does not catalog the following as serials: 1) Online public access catalogs or databases; 2) Gopher servers; 3) Discussion lists or their digests; 5) WWW home pages without designated parts; 5) Online services such as America Online. Databases which in their print manifestations are cataloged as serials or are integrating resources are cataloged as serials in their electronic manifestations.
- If the title changes, continued access under the license must be verified. If it is no longer accessible or access is changed to another source (eg. from OCLC ECO to JSTOR), the 856 in the bibliographic record must be modified accordingly.
Serials/Integrating Resources - Serial Bibliographic and Checkin Records: Chester Fritz Library Guidelines
Database Maintenance of the Library Database Records
- Notify Technical Services when URL's change, when URL's need to be withdrawn, or when access notes need to be changed.
- Notify Technical Services when major title or content changes occur.
- If the title has actually changed, a new record will be required.
- If the content has changed, new subject or added entry access points may be necessary.