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Fixed Fields

Monographs will have "a-m-a" in the left column. Records with other TYPEs or BLVLs will require more advanced documentation. If in doubt, consult with or forward to staff responsible for Advanced Copy or Original cataloging.


Fixed fields are arranged counter-clockwise, like an @ sign.

a - language material


m - monograph (default)


a (AACR2)


blank - can be read by naked eye, i.e. if you have a book in hand, your record must have "blank", otherwise you have a wrong record
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche


I for local library full level cataloging; if LC, blank


d - for local library, if LC copy, blank


blank - not applicable or unknown, i.e. general works
j - juvenile


blank - for most materials
a - archival


Lang:  See Library of Congress Documentation : Codes lists
language of text or predominate language
eng - English
spa - Spanish
fre - French
nor - Norwegian
ger - German
dan - Danish
swe - Swedish


Ctry:  US, Canada, Canada, Great Britain, and former Russia are 3-letter codes; others a 2-letter codes. See Library of Congress Documentation : Codes lists
enk - England
au - Austria
fr - France
ie - Ireland
ne - Netherlands
no - Norway
dk - Denmark
sw - Sweden
sz - Switzerland
onc - Ontario, Canada


      alu   aku   azu   aru   cau   ctu   deu   dcu   flu   gau   hiu
      idu   ilu   inu   iau   ksu   kyu   mau   mdu   miu   mnu   mou
      msu   mtu   nmu   oru   ohu   pau   scu   sdu   tnu   txu   xxu
      utu   vau   wau   wiu   wvu
see Date Type


s - single 1968
r - reprint/reissue and original date 1966,1911
m - multiple 1963,1965
q - range of dates for single item of questionable date 197u,198u (bracket date in 260; call number has year+z, e.g. 1940z)
OR 260 with [between 1983 and 1986], 1983,1986; use first date in call number)
c - currently published serial
d - serial, ceased publication


0 - not an Festschrift (default)
1 - is an Festshrift


a - ill
b - maps*
c - ports*
d - charts*
e - plans*
f - plates
g - music*
h - facsims*
j - geneal. tables*


* use in 300 field


    blank - default
    a - abstracts, summaries            
    b - bibliographies (also with 504)  
    c - catalogs + collections         
    d - dictionaries                   
    e - encyclopedias                   
    f - handbooks                       
    i - indexes         
    r - directories         
    s - statistics                                    
    t - technical reports                             


0 - no index
1 - index


0 - (default) not conference
1 - conference or papers presented at meeting, symposium, workshop, congress, etc.


blank - not govt. pub.
i - international body (e.g.UNESCO)
f - federal
l - local (e.g. towns, counties)
s - state


blank - default, not biography
a - individual autobiography
b - individual biography
c - collective biography or autobiography
d - partial collective biography


0 - not fiction
1 - fiction


blank - ignore (used only when modifying old LC cataloging)

Variable Fields

Each line beginning with a triangle and ending with a paragraph mark is a Field or Tag.
Each field may have one or two / First or Second indicators. Each one has its own value depending on the field.
Each field may be divided into sections called subfields, denoted by punctuation and a #delimiter+letter code. Each delimiter has its own value depending on the field.

Ending Punctuation for Bibliographic Data (valid to Dec. 2000) includes examples of fields.


010  LC card order number
often lower right of CIP on back of title page (t.p. verso)


020  International Standard Bibliographic Number ISBN
often on t.p.verso, sometimes within CIP; often on back cover of book


006  Additional Material Characteristics
-006 may be needed to bring out additional format - required to allow limiting on ODIN
-Always use 006 for books with software. See Software Policies & Procedures


041  Language Code
Indicator 1 Translation indication
0 = Item is not or does not contain a translation
1 = Item is or includes a translation
-A number of situations can be coded; for regular translations, give language code of item in hand and in #h original language code. See Library of Congress Documentation : Codes lists
-There should also be a 546 note field


043  Geographic Area Code
See Library of Congress Documentation : Codes lists


050  Library of Congress call number
-Often lower left of CIP on t.p.verso.
-For publications issues in last 3 years, assume LC call number to be correct except for local practice
-If there is an additional #a (which is usually incomplete), the correct call number must be input in the 090
-Verify literary authors with others books already in ODIN
-Verify separate/series call number assignment with other items already in ODIN, on the serial checkin record, on the serial main entry, or in the Authority File [646 s = separate, 646 c = set]
-For items shelved by SUDOC number, move existing 090 LC call number to 050 04; some MARCIVE regularly come with 090's that must be changed


052  Geographic Classification Code
-use for North Dakota publications and "near-by" Minnesota locations
See Cutters by Cities or Counties


060  National Library of Medicine call number
not used at CFL but leave on record


070  National Agricultural Library call number
not used at CFL but leave on record


082  Dewey Decimal call number


086  Government Document Classification Number
Indicator 0 - U.S. Superintendent of Documents (SUDOC) class number
-Multiple SUDOC numbers may be assigned for one title; arrange in chronological order with oldest listed first in multiple 086 fields


090  Locally Assigned LC-type Call Number
-Local LC call number, following LC Classification Schedule standards
-Verify in Library of Congress Classification Schedules or Classification Plus
-Verify in ODIN with call number browse [BR CA] to assure item will be shelved with similar materials and not duplicate the number of another work
-Verify literary authors with others books already in ODIN
-Verify separate/series call number assignment with other items already in ODIN, on the serial checkin record, or on the serial main entry
-For items about North Dakota, use cutters listed in North Dakota Cities or ND Counties and Regions
-For items shelved by SUDOC number, move existing 090 LC call number to 050 04; some MARCIVE regularly come with 090's that must be changed
-Rules vary for the various schedules; when in doubt, ask!


099  Local Free-text Call Number
-Indicator 9 is used for Theses. The call number is composed of thesis-type code plus year followed by Sanborn Cutter for author. T=full thesis, GT=thesis-like paper by a graduate student, UT=thesis-like paper or honors thesis by undergraduate student.
-Use for OGL numbers, Theses; was often used to cause call numbers to format correctly on shelflist cards


100  Main Entry -- Personal Name
Indicator 1
0 = Given name
1 = Surname
3 = Family name
-Author; if the work has three or fewer authors (and that is authors, not compilers or editors) the first is given, surname first.
-A compiler/editor *is* the author of an index or bibliography however.
-Verify in Authority File; format must match the format in the Authority File. Correct the bib record to match the authority file.
-If not found, try doing a scan search. Try to verify from the entry tag, not the 245 transcripton.
-If not found, photocopy title page and/or other sources to identify the name, run the authority macro and save the record, and give photocopy with save number to Head Cataloger.


110  Main Entry -- Corporate Name
Indicator 1
0 = Inverted name
1 = Jurisdiction [geog/govd]
2 = Direct order
-If the work is the annual report of a corporate body, its business, list of members, finances, the corporate body is the author.
-Verify in Authority file as in 100.


111  Main Entry -- Meeting Name
Indicator 1
0 = Inverted name
1 = Jurisdiction [geog/govd]
2 = Direct order
-If what you have is conference proceedings, the name of the conference is the author.
-The name is followed by $n (number : $d date : $c place); or if no number, $d (date :$c place).

BUT 110$aCorporate Name.$b Meeting $n ( ...) is used for reports of annual meetings.

-Verify in Authority file as in 100.


130  Main Entry -- Uniform Title
Indicator 0-9 Non-filing characters
-Uniform title as main entry. If the work is an anonymous classic like the Bible, Arabian Nights, or serial title with a qualifier (identifier in parentheses) that common title (known as a uniform title) goes in 130.
-For the Bible you usually give language, date, and version. Example for parts of the Bible: 130 $a Bible. $p O.T. $p Genesis $l English $f 1995
-Verify in the Authority File. The search is a title search. The format must match the format in the Authority File. Correct the bib record to match the authority file.


240  Uniform Title
Indicators Combinations vary; most often use the same values as for Tag 245.
-Uniform title as filing title; only after a 100 or 110.
-For classical music, laws, and very voluminous authors like Shakespeare; the purpose is to bring various issuances of a work bearing various titles together under one "uniform" title.
-Verify by doing an Authority Search on the 1XX Tag.


245  Title Statement
Indicator 1
0 = There is no 1xx line above
1 = There is a 1XX line AND access to the title should be provided
Indicator 2 0-9 Non-filing characters, e.g. THE-space = 4
-Title information as it appears on the title page.
-Use a ": #b" before subtitles (remainder of title), "= #b" before a title in another language;
-After the title or subtitle use "/ #c" (remainder of title page transcription/statement of responsibility) and up to three authors. If more than three, give the first followed by "... [et al.]."


246  Varying Form of Title
Indicators - see 246
-Many rules specify the types of added titles that should be made. Generally if a title varies elsewhere on the book from that printed on the title page or the typography emphasizes a part of the title, a 246 should be created.
-Old records have 740's that should be converted to 246. The field does NOT have a "." at the end.
250  Edition Statement
-Edition, e.g.: 2nd ed. Rev. ed.
-If edited by someone, use "/ #b" before the name


260  Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)
-For the place, use city plus larger jurisdiction
-For publisher, use name as printed without identifiers like "ltd". Use : #b before the name.
-For date, use first publication date for the edition in hand; often this is copyright date.
-Example: 260 Grand Forks, N.D. : #b Bureau of Governmental Affairs, #c 1974.


300  Physical Description
-Give pagination in p. or leaves
-List illustrations in alphabetical orders; if some are general, begin with "ill.", then list in order. See Ills: above.
-Give size in centimeters, rounded up.
-Example: x, 100 p. : #b ill. ; # c 23 cm.


440  Series Statement/Added Entry -- Title
Indicator 2
0-9 Non-filing characters
-Series title as it appears on the series title page, or elsewhere on the work.
-Verify in the Authority file. It must match the format in the Authority File [645 t = trace, i.e. 440; 645 n = do not trace, i.e. 490]
-Verify in ODIN for format, accuracy of entries against current standard, and set/separate handling of the series.


490  Series Statement
Indicator 1
0 = Do not trace, 645 = n
1 = Trace, but the title needs a qualifier to distinquish it from others of the same title, so an 830 must also be on the record. Variations in punctuation or roman numbers used as holdings are also reasons to set up the series with a 490 1 and 830 0.
-Series title as it appears on the item
-Verify in the Authority file. It must match the format in the Authority File [645 t = trace, i.e. 440; 645 n = do not trace, i.e. 490]


500  Notes
-General notes may be composed by the cataloger.
-A quotation may the best explanation. Give the source if not on the title page after the quote, e.g. ..."--Cover.

Some other common notes include:


502  Dissertation Note
Thesis, e.g., Thesis (Ph. D.)--Podunk University, 1995.


504  Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 62-64)


505  Formatted Contents Note
Indicator 1
0 = Complete
1 = Incomplete
2 = Partial
Indicator 2
blank = Basic
0 = Enhanced
-Use contents note to bring out titles of articles by different authors, titles in a collection, etc.
-Contents notes are contructed from the contents page; transcribe as printed. Judgement may be necessary depending on size and most important factors.
-For proper formatting of contents notes, see Contents
-When typing a long contents note, type the line number, insert [1] before the 505 _0. #g precedes vol. numbers, #t precedes the title, and #r precedes authors. The format is the same as for a 245.
-Example: #t v. 1. #t Title one / #r Lastname, Firstname -- #g v. 2. #t Title two / #r Lastname, Firstname.
-When adding a volume to a set, check the contents note to see if the new volume needs it's title added to the contents note. If so, CMR to add it.


546  Language Note
-For a specific title, use: Translation of:
-Otherwise, construct a general note.
  • Example: Text in English and French on inverted pages.


600-830 Indicators
-Indicators for 600-730, 800-830 are the same as 100-130, except that 6XX fields have a Second Indicator indicating subject thesaurus used.
-0 = Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Non-fiction works for all collections other than Dewey Collection, use LCSH.
-1 = LC Children's Annotated headings may be used on Dewey Collection books. Do not use if it duplicates an LCSH heading; prefer the LCSH heading.
-7 = Genre headings indicators are used for works of fiction, etc. according to GSAFD, see Fiction. They are also used to indicate the type of electronic resource, see Cataloging Web Sites


600  Subject Added Entry -- Personal Name
-Person as subject, in same format as person as author 100.
-Verify in Authority File as in 100.


610  Subject Added Entry -- Corporate Name
-Corporate body as subject (including governments), in same format as 110.
-Verify in Authority File as in 100.


611  Subject Added Entry -- Meeting Name
-Conference as subject, in same format as 111.
-Verify in Authority File as in 100.


630  Subject Added Entry -- Uniform Title
-Uniform title as subject. Item in hand discusses another work.
-Verify in Authority File as in 130.


650  Subject Added Entry -- Topical Term
-Topic as subject.
-Verify in Authority File; format must match the format in the Authority File. Correct the bib record to match the authority file.
-Subdivisions must also be verified, either as a specific subdivision with the Topic Term, in the Free-Floating Subdivision, or in the LC Subject Heading Manual: Subjects.
-Watch the location of (May Subd Geog). If the Topical Term has it, but the subdivision doesn't the place goes before the subdivision; if the subdivision has it, the place goes after the subdivision.


651  Subject Added Entry -- Geographic Name
-Place as subject (but not governments).
-Verify in the Authority File as in 650. Search as Corporate Body if the place can also be a governmental jurisdiction.


655 _7  Local Genre for North Dakota authors
Used only in library-defined situations! Use both North Dakota author AND either the faculty or alumni (if they apply)
-For books by or about people who are from North Dakota or have worked in North Dakota, use: 655 _7 North Dakota author. $2 local
-For books by University of North Dakota faculty, use: 655 _7 University of North Dakota faculty. $2 local
-For books by University of North Dakota alumni, use: 655 _7 University of North Dakota alumni. $2 local


690  Local Subject Added entry
Used only in library-defined situations! Most previous use has been replaced by new subject or genre headings.


700  Added Entry -- Personal Name
-Personal name as added entry.
-Verify in Authority File as in 100.


710  Added Entry -- Corporate Name
-Corporate body as added entry.
-Verify in Authority File as in 100.


711  Added Entry -- Meeting Name
-Conference as added entry.
-Verify in Authority File as in 100.


730  Added Entry -- Uniform Title
-Item in hand is based on or refers to another work. Do not confuse with specific relationships to be entered in 760-787.
-Verify in Authority File as in 130.


740  Added Entry -- Uncontrolled/Analytical Title
Indicator 1
0-9 = Non-filing characters
Indicator 2
blank = no information provided
2 = Analytic entry
-Blank is a general reference to another work; 2 is to be used for a section of the work being cataloged by the bib record.


800  Series Added Entry -- Personal Name
-Use for a series of works by a person.
-Most commonly this is used for works or selections by an author. The title #t is either: Works or Selections. That may be followed by the date of the edition, #f year.
-The pattern is: Lastname, Firstname, date. #t Title ; #v v. 1.
-Verify in Authority file as in 100.


810  Series Added Entry -- Corporate Name
-Use for a series of works by a corporate body when a corporate entry is appropriate.
-The pattern is: Corporate name. #t Title ; #v v. 1.
-Verify in Authority file as in 100.


811  Series Added Entry -- Meeting Name
-Like 810; not common.
-Verify in Authority file as in 100.


830  Series Added Entry -- Uniform Title
-Use for traced series that needs a qualifier to distinquish it from others of the same title. Variations in punctuation or roman numbers used as holdings are also reasons to set up the series with a 490 1 and 830 0.
-The pattern is: Title (Qualifier) ; #v v. 1. Example: Bulletin (North Dakota Geological Survey) ; #v v. 53.
-Verify in Authority file as in 130.


MARC fields outlined below those often used in Advanced Copy Cataloging or for non-book formats. Decisions on local practice are included. This is NOT a complete list. See USMARC Concise Format for Bibliographic Data or Bibliographic Formats and Standards : Contents for more complete listings. Additional documentation will be necessary and it can be found on the A/BC homepage, in manuals in A/BC, and through the LC Cataloger's Desktop and Classification Plus.

See also Special Policies

Fixed Field (008)
UND Theses 

Type t
Use Book format in

OCLC with type t; change type t to type a in Aleph/ODIN

006 - Add to records describing materials consisting of more than one format. Example, see Software policies and procedures. It is added to bring out variant format other than that coded in Fixed Field to provide a search limiter

007 - This field must be used on most non-book formats.

028 22

Required if applicable/Required if applicable   
1st indicator - select appropriate code   
0       Issue number    
1       Matrix number   
2       Plate number    
3       Other publisher number  
4       Videorecording number   
5       Other publisher number
2nd Indicator - use 2nd indicator 2    
0       No note,no added entry  
1       Note,added entry required       
2       Note,no added entry     
3       No note,added entry required    

049 - [word]UNDX reflects a location

049 - UNDX[word]reflects a format

092 and 099 theses - use the 4-cutter macro

049 - Special Collection Manuscripts.
049 UND1
099 9 OGL #a 417

049 - Special Collection manuscripts on microfilm. Use 049 and 590 as follows:
049 UNDR[Micro-][film][OGL 841]
590 Manuscript microfilm collection: OGL 841

099 - Catalog CD's with LC classifications. Add 099 _9 containing CD accession number. 
090 M268.M429 #b T46 O6, 1995
099 9 CD 417

Catalog Phonograph Records with LC classifications. Use 049 and 590 as follows: 
049 UND$[Records][PH 2011]
090 M2020.H3 #b C4

530 - Also available online. Use with titles in print and online. See Electronic Resources Cataloging Policy and Cataloging Web Sites

533 - #3 Microfiche issue(s). #a Microfiche. #b Washington, D.C. : #c Supt. Of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., #3 microfiches : negative ; 11 x 15 cm. This is used for govdocs when it is normally paper and the govt sent fiche. See Marcive instructions

533 - #3 Microfilm copy. #a Microfilm. #b Place : #c Microform Publisher, #d date. #e nn microfilm reels ; 35 mm. This is used as a TEMPORARY measure til there's time to cat using correct format, along with 006 and 007

533 - #3 Microfiche copy. #a Microfiche. #b Grand Forks, N.D. : #c University of North Dakota, #d [date} #e microfiches : negative ; 11 x 15 cm. This is used for UND theses on microfiche.

556 documentation for Special Collections

  1. 556 is a note about the documentation of the described materials, i.e. this books was used to write another book. Also include 7XX to give the citation.

556 (blank) The White BUll manuscript was used in the writing of this text
700 1 White Bull, Joseph, #d 1849-1947. #t Sioux history in pictures : the White Bull manuscript, 1781-1931.

562 - #3 SPEC4 copy 1: #a Signed by the author

562 - Presentation copy by ... to the Chester Fritz Library ... or to UND Special Collections.

Collections, e.g. Burdick Collection

  1. 561 #3 SP.COL. copy 1 [etc.] #a Originally collected by Usher and Eugene Burdick.
  2. 562 #3 SP.COL. copy _ #b [Example] First edition limited to 50 copies, of which this is no. 42.
  3. 710 2 #3 SP.COL. copy _ #a Burdick Collection (Chester Fritz Library)

590 - ANALYTICS PER CONTENTS. Input on the main entry record for the set and catalog each item with analytics, i.e. a separate bib record for each item.

590 - LIBRARY ALSO HAS THIS TITLE ON MICRO_____, ... IN PAPER. Use this on titles held by the library in paper and microform formats.

650 Music headings - add as many as appropriate to bring out nature of music (3-4)

655 7 Genre headings on fiction. #2 lcgft

655 7 Genre headings on remote electronic resources #2 lcgft

655 Fields for videos, see: Videos at UND

655 7 North Dakota author. #2 local

655 7 University of North Dakota alumni. #2 local

655 7 University of North Dakota faculty. #2 local

Online books - EBL or ebrary
710 2 ebrary, Inc.
740 0 ebrary.
710 2 Ebook library. 
740 0 EBL

776 - Use 0 indicator to cause display of the field. Also generally use 08 with #i ... version: #a or t

856 - 856 40 is to be used on an online resource record, 856 41 may be on a record that is NOT online but refers to it (UND currently removes this on non-online records but does use 776), and 856 42 is just other information available online. NOTE: old GPO policy was to put 856 41 on records for other formats.