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According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, you should be able to do the following on day 1 of your residency: "identify clinical questions, identify information resources, and retrieve information and evidence..." (Core Entrustable Professional Activities for entering residency).
Cocks, P, Cutrer, WB, Esposito, K, Lupi, C, Obeso V, Brown D, Phillipi C, eds.; for Core EPAs for Entering Residency Pilot Program Adapted from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Core entrustable professional activities for entering residency. 2014. Retrieved from download ( 6/25/2024.
The ACGME requires 5 levels of the following milestones to be met during residency: Critical Thinking and Decision-Making and Evidence-Based and Informed Practice.
Retrieved from Milestones by Specialty ( 6/25/2024