Artificial Intelligence

a guide to artificial intelligence in medicine and health sciences education

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Finding Research on Artificial Intelligence

Locate research on artificial intelligence generally in the health sciences, or in your discipline specifically with the serch phrases below. Simly copy-paste them into your chosen database and click "search"!

PubMed Artificial Intelligence Search Phrase

This search phrase will retrieve any articles on PubMed from any discipline concerning artificial intelligence generally. NOTE: This phrase contains PubMed-specific search formatting and fields, and will only work in PubMed:


"Artificial Intelligence"[Mesh] OR NLP OR LLM OR "Artificial intelligence" OR “artificial general intelligence” OR “artificial social intelligence” OR "Expert Systems" OR "Fuzzy Logic" OR "Knowledge Base*" OR "Biological Ontolog*" OR "Machine Learning" OR "Natural Language Processing" OR “Natural language understanding” OR "computer neural networks" OR "Deep Learning" OR "Sentiment Analys*" OR "artificial neural network*" OR “artificial narrow intelligence” OR “augmented intelligence” OR “intelligence augment*” OR “optical character recognition” OR “cognitive comput*”  OR “recurrent neural network” OR “deep neural network” OR "naive bayes" OR "support vector" OR "random forest" OR "large language model*" OR "logistic model"[tiab:~2] OR "logistic models"[tiab:~2] OR "logistic regression"[tiab:~2] OR "Heuristic*" OR "knowledge engineer"[tiab:~2] OR "machine intelligence"[tiab:~2] OR "google bard" OR "ChatGPT" OR "GPT-3" OR "GPT-3.5" OR "GPT-4" OR "AI chat*" OR “generative AI” OR “chatbot” OR “conversational AI” OR “robotic process automation” OR “AI healthcare” OR “AI health care” OR “alphago” OR “dental AI” OR “medical AI” OR “AI application*” OR “AI apps” OR “AI app” OR “deep mesh” OR “Open AI” OR “GPT” OR “generative pre-trained transformer” OR “generative pretrained transformer”

Access the SMHS' PubMed subscription and copy-paste this phrase into the search bar