Examples shown are what should be typed into an open Excel cell to have the calculations automatically completed.
Average =(cell range) example =AVERAGE(A1:A12)
N =count(ranges) example: =COUNT(A1:A56)
Mean =average(range) example: =AVERAGE(A1:M6)
Median =median(range) example: =MEDIAN(C1:G35)
Mode =mode(range) example: =MODE(B6:T53)
Minimum =min(range) example: =MIN(A1:G24)
Maximum =max(range) example: =MAX(A1:G24)
Standard deviation =STDEV(range) example: =STDEV(A1:A36)
Slope =Slope(y,x)
Persons r =CORREL(range)
Sum=sum(range) example =SUM(C5:E5)
Multiplication=(cell number)*(number of repetitions) example: =(A12)*(17)
Division=(cell number)/(number of repetitions) example: =(A23)/(32)
Range=cell with max value-cell with minimum value example: =(G23)-(B5)