UND's School of Medicine and Health Sciences focuses on these five areas for social determinants of health:
Social Determinants of Health background information:
Book Chapter explains concepts of food shortages, transportation challenges, lack of access to care, physician difficulty providing resources to patients, and more from an Emergency Department perspective.
SODH Toolkit for Rural People provides resources and program models to address a variety of social determinants of health in rural communities.
Culture information for different ethnicities and regions:
CultureCard - a guide to build cultural awareness about American Indian and Alaska Native populations
Book - History of American Indians with a focus on the drastic changes that occurred following European contact. The book includes coverage of indigenous knowledge and traditional approaches to health and healing.
Minority Profiles
Rural Health background information:
These resources will give you a boost in finding pertinent, vetted information. Where possible, we have provided a link to North Dakota specific content.
You can also check with the county public health office for more information/resources.
Group Topic #1: Access to Care and Cultural Safety (Week #4 of Clerkship)
- The general focus of your presentation should be on the community resources (either present, or "absent, but needed").
Healthcare Access in Rural Communities - explains many factors impacting healthcare in rural communities including information on agencies trying to provide solutions.
Infographic with quick-view comparison of community health centers
Community Health Needs Assessment for full reports including hospital plan, including a list of the most significant health needs identified by the tool.
- What segment of that population is underserved or otherwise high risk? census data
County Health Rankings Includes reports ranking each US county according to its health outcomes and the multiple health factors that determine a county's health.
NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties CDC - National Center for Health Statistics
- What social and/or cultural issues in your community affect and effect healthcare?
PubMed search phrase - prevention and control of substance-abuse disorders in rural populations: ("Rural Population"[Mesh]) AND ("Substance-Related Disorders/prevention and control"[Mesh])
PubMed search phrase - suicide and rural populations: (Rural Population) (Depression/prevention and control)
PubMed search phrase - adverse childhood experiences in rural populations: ("Rural Population"[Mesh]) AND ("Adverse Childhood Experiences"[Mesh])
PubMed search phrase - for obesity in rural populations: ((Obesity[MeSH Terms]) AND ("Food Assistance"[Mesh])) AND ("Rural Population"[Mesh])
- What community resources are available for specific patient problems or illnesses?
Local Public Health Units has information on how to "access health services such as child immunizations, adult immunizations, tobacco use prevention, high blood pressure screening, injury prevention screening, blood lead screening, early and periodic screening diagnosis and treatment."
Human Services to Support Rural Health answers questions about "availability of safe and affordable housing, income supports, food assistance, job training, childcare support, and other services help low-income rural residents take care of themselves so they can stay healthy."
North Dakota Mental Health Program Directory - a searchable directory to identify potential providers.
Rural Public Health Agencies explains how agencies work to prevent injuries, promote healthy lifestyles and respond to emergencies.
- What occupational or environmental health risks are prevalent in the community?
AgriSafe Network - "builds the competency of health and safety professionals to deliver exceptional occupational agricultural health care" Browse resources on PPE and air-quality monitoring, young ag workers, health risk assessments, wildfires and more.
Group Topic #2: Family Connection and Healthcare Disparities (Week #6 of Clerkship)
Thinking about and understanding the family connection may help health care providers.
• ...understand how differences in culture can be a barrier or an asset to providing primary care, (i.e., the impact of cultural/family health care beliefs on health care seeking and adherence behavior, as well as the impact of different beliefs of the health care provider).
Minority Population Profiles These profiles provide detailed demographic, language fluency (where relevant), education, economic, insurance coverage and health status information, as well as full census reports.
- Match community resources with patient and family needs.
Human Services to Support Rural Health answers questions about "availability of safe and affordable housing, income supports, food assistance, job training, childcare support, and other services help low-income rural residents take care of themselves so they can stay healthy."
North Dakota Mental Health Program Directory - a searchable directory to identify potential providers.
- Incorporate family issues into patient education.
Medlineplus.gov provides patient education explained in plain language.