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Family Medicine Clerkship Resources

Clinical Decision Support

Reference collections include background and foreground information to assist you in making a clinical decision.  While there is not one specific Family Medicine collection, all of the following provide information for this specialty:

The general page layout include the following tabs and search box option:


Each specialty has focused collections featuring:
    online reference works  (for instance, Rudolph's Pediatrics, Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, etc.)
    study and self-assessment tools
    case files
    multimedia features - animations and videos of procedures


American Family Physician journal articles

You are able to search within just this journal when accessing the link.

snippet of search box interface

Best Places to Start

LWW Health Library - Clerkship
Books, case studies, self assessment, and journal club comprised of the article and all discussion points.


Direct link faculty recommended text:

Essential of Family Medicine 7th edition

This textbook focuses on evidence-based information, features discussions about prevention, addresses some community issues, discusses physician/patient relationships, and deals with problems commonly seen in Family