REMS (Research Experience for Medical Students)

About Mendeley

Mendeley, now owned by Elsevier, is similar to Zotero in that it is a cloud-based tool for collecting and organizing citations and for connecting with other researchers. It offers greater data storage limits than Zotero in its basic (free) service to back up your articles and access them from anywhere you have internet access.

Exporting Mendeley Library to Endnote

1. To export Mendeley citations into a .RIS file, first select the citations that you want to be exported.

2. Next, click on File and select Export.

3. Next, make sure that the Save as Type is in a .RIS file format. Once that has been done, click on save and your citations will be exported.


4. To import .RIS file into EndNote, first click on File followed by Import --> File.

5. Make sure that the Import Option is Reference Manager (.RIS). Choose the .RIS file that you want to import and the citations will be imported into EndNote.