ch aviation
New Chester Fritz Library
ch aviation
New Chester Fritz Library

Alternate Name(s):
Access Modes:
Registration Required
UND Login Required


One of the most extensive and up to date airline knowledge bases. This includes more than 50,000 aircraft, 6,500 airports, 5,000 airlines, access to fleet lists, worldwide airline schedules and route networks. Currently, this database is slow to load from off-campus. We are looking into the problem.

More Info

Register for a ch-aviation Account

The first time you access ch-aviation, you will need to create a free account using your UND email address.

How to Register

1. Open the database from this page by clicking on the green “Access Database” button in the top left

2. On the ch-aviation landing page, in the upper right corner, click the “Sign-In” button (note that ch-aviation may take a minute to load from Off Campus)

3. Click on the “Sign Up Now” link that appears underneath the “Sign in” box

4. When presented with the two subscription options, select the “Free Pass” option

5. Fill in the form and be sure to use your UND E-Mail address. Once done, click “Subscribe Now”

6. You may need to validate your email address or you may be prompted to sign in with the email and password you just created.
