
Library of the Health Sciences

Image Sources

All published resources have their own copyright guidelines. Always check copyright statements. For more information on copyright and online images, visit our guide.

Medical titles, images and videos, case files, diagnostic tools, and drug database.

Provides a 3D atlas of human anatomy, a 3D real-time interactive tool through which you can layer and remove organ systems, and several other helpful modules, including an imaging module and a quizzing module.

Evidence-based search that provides health care professionals with point-of-care answers.

Create free account to access some modules; other modules require subscription. includes encyclopedic images as well as video that can be used in student papers. Proper citation should be followed. To obtain copyright information on all images within MedlinePlus, visit

MedPix is a newer resource from the National Library of Medicine. The collection includes image and patient data pertinent to various disciplines and is targeted to practicing and student healthcare practitioners. Images can be searched by disease category, organ system, and patient profile. Includes CEs and quizzes. Contributed content may be copyrighted by the original author/contributor.

An images library from the University of Michigan. Copyright to B. Kathleen Alsup and Glenn M. Fox must be maintained with the use of any BlueLink image or resource. Materials from these pages may be used for educational, non-commercial purposes with credit and notification to authors. 

Database of dermatologic, infectious, and drug-induced diseases with thousands of images available.

  • Wellcome Images Search

    A variety of medical images, including X-rays, MRI and more. Many of the images in this database are available to use for free. 

How Do I Cite Images?

Citing an image found in an eBook.

Example in Vancouver Style:

The Urbana atlas of pathology [Internet]. Urbana (IL): University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign; c1994-1997. Image No. 034, Left ventricular hypertrophy, heart; [cited 2006 Nov 15]; [about 1 screen]. Available from:

Citing an image found in an image database like VisualDX or AnatomyTV.

1.) Caption below image: "Image source: VisualDX"

2.) Citation at end of presentation/paper:

AnatomyTV [Internet]. LondonInforma PLC, Primal Pictures. Copyright 2016 - . [Image], Neurovasculature of the spinal cord: anterior aspect; [cited 20 July 2016]; [about 1 screen]. Available from:

Medpix [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). [date unknown] - . [Image], Acute ischemic stroke: Hyperacture stroke, left-sided paresis and hemineglect; [cited 20 July 2016]; [about 1 screen]. Available from 


Northeast Campus - Grand Forks:
Sara Westall MLS

Northwest Campus - Minot:
Janet Anderson, MLIS

Southeast Campus - Fargo
Sara Westall MLS

Southwest Campus - Bismarck:
Sandi L. Bates, MLIS