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Government Documents

Chester Fritz Library resources for government research

Social Sciences

The Smithsonian (SI), Library of Congress (LC), and Department of Interior (I) provide a wealth of resources for this subject area.

Slave Cabin at Mount Vernon

A wide variety of government agencies publish information relevant for cultural and ethnic studies. Here are a few examples:

Newspaper Stand

In addition to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, here are a few examples of government resources in this subject area:

Library of Congress

For more resources, use the "Refine My Results" option on the left to limit to a specific topic from this search.

The Chester Fritz Library has a collection of maps. The Geology Library contains additional maps. Here are some examples of other items you can find on geography:

Farm in North Dakota


Whether you are interested in Congressional debates or hearings for historical legislation or current issues, ambassador correspondence, current or past laws, or Presidential documents, government documents offer a wealth of material:

Foreign Relations of the United States books on a shelf

The Department of Health and Human Services (HE) funds research and programs to support and monitor the mental and psychological well-being of people in the United States. Examples of government documents include:

Picture of Family Psychoeducation Kit