Occupational Therapy

Library of the Health Sciences

Quantitative Research:

- if the study counted something, it is quantitative - think quantity to help you remember.

- is a primarily deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that make up a theory

- more objective: provides observed effects (interpreted by researchers) of a program on a problem or condition

- number-based> counts incidences, such as survey responses

- less depth but more breadth of information across a large number of cases

- statistical tests are used for analysis

- validity and reliability depends on the measurement device or instrument used

- time expenditure heavier on the planning phase and lighter on the analysis phase

- more generalizable

Taken from: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

find quantitative articles

Find quantitative research articles:

In CINAHL: within the Advanced Search feature, find the Publication Type box, and select "Research"

In PubMed: there is no specific MeSH term for quantitative research. As with CINAHL, you may limit your publication types to randomized control trials and systematic reviews to see quantitative studies.

In PsychInfo: go to the Advanced Search feature, navigate to the "methodology" section, and select "Quantitative Study"